Plenary Speakers
Peter Bartlett (UC Berkeley)
Peter Bartlett (UC Berkeley)
Peter Bartlett is Professor of Statistics and Computer Science at UC Berkeley and Head of Google Research Australia. He is a graduate of the University of Queensland. He has served as Associate Director of the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at UC Berkeley, and since 2020 he has been Director of the Foundations of Data Science Institute and Director of the Collaboration on the Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning. He is President of the Association for Computational Learning, Honorary Professor of Mathematical Sciences at the Australian National University, and co-author with Martin Anthony of the book Neural Network Learning: Theoretical Foundations. He was awarded the Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year in Australia in 2001, was chosen as an Institute of Mathematical Statistics Medallion Lecturer in 2008, an IMS Fellow and Australian Laureate Fellow in 2011, and a Fellow of the ACM in 2018, and was elected to the Australian Academy of Science in 2015.
Holger Dullin (University of Sydney) [ANZIAM Lecturer]
Holger Dullin (University of Sydney) [ANZIAM Lecturer]
Holger Dullin is a Professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sydney. He did his PhD at the Institute for Dynamical Systems in Bremen in 1994 under the supervision of Peter Richter. He was a PostDoc in Boulder, became a Lecturer in Loughborough, and joined the University of Sydney in 2008.
The research interests of Professor Dullin are Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Physics, ranging from classical to quantum, from ODEs to PDEs, from integrable to chaotic, and from pure mathematics to real world applications. Recent highlights of his research include contributions to the classification of integrable systems, new insights into the non-rigid body dynamics of springboard diving, and a stability result in the 3-body problem.